December 11-15
Important Upcoming Events
Monday, December 11- STAR Reading Assessment
Tuesday, December 12- Gingerbread Day
- We will have a special guest reader in class today to celebrate Gingerbread Day:)
Friday, December 15th-
- Students Final Writing Piece Due- This will be typed in Google Classroom during class.
- Deadline for Dojo points (I will be collecting each "bank statement" and recording points they have gained this quarter to their bank statement).
Thursday, December 21-
- Winter Break Reading Celebration (More info below)
- Burre/Stemm Shop- Each student will have a chance to visit our store and purchase items with their Dojo money earned throughout Quarter 1 and 2.
- PHSC Chorale Concert
- End of Quarter 2
Friday, December 22 through Monday, January 8th: Winter Break; NO SCHOOL
A Job Well Done to Cayden, Karley, and Haylee!
Congratulations to Cayden Ross, Karley Skidmore, and Haylee Garrett on their amazing performance in The Christmas Shoe Tree! This was a play put on by the Peace United Methodist Worship Team to teach everyone about the gift of giving. I could tell they all worked really hard to make this play a success and I am so incredibly proud of them! My husband and I truly enjoyed watching:)
Winter Break Reading Celebration- Thursday, December 21
During the last day of school before break, we will be participating in a Winter Break Reading Celebration. During ELA, all students will need to bring a book to school for a read-in. If they do not have one, I will provide one from my classroom library or they can read the book they checked out of the school library. During our read in, students are permitted to bring a blanket or stuffed animal to read with. So they are all super comfortable while reading, all students are also allowed to wear their pajamas to school:) I think it will be a really fun, and relaxing day of reading for all!
ELA - End of Module Assessment
Monday, students will be taking their Winter session of the STAR test. This assessment is helping me monitor what areas each individual is struggling in and what areas in which they are excelling. After they have completed their STAR test, we will continue working on our End Of Module Assessment. Over the past two weeks, we have been working on developing a 4 paragraph essay on an extreme environment. This week we will be finalizing our writing, peer editing, and typing our final essay in google classroom. We will have time in class to complete our rewriting of each paragraph but if they do not finish in class, it will need to be finished for homework. The kids have been doing a great job so far and I am extremely excited to read all of their essays!
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