Week 3 of Quarter 3- Kindness Week
Thank you to all for your patience in getting a new post up. This post will include items we have been covering in between all of our days off as well as this week:)
Kindness Week is this week! I have sent home a Kindness Week Challenge Checklist with each child so they can practice kindness outside of school. We will be celebrating Kindness Week by focusing on different themes each day.
Other Important Dates:
This week we will be reading from our book titled George vs. George. This book helps students understand the events leading up to the American Revolution from both the Colonial side as well as the British side. We will be working on finding evidence to support how both sides felt within the book as well as why each side made certain decisions based on their specific perspective. We will be studying some key events such as the Boston Tea Party, The Boston Massacre, and the shot heard around the world. To the left is a picture of a chart we are working on in class. We are having some great classroom discussions so be sure to ask your child about what information they are taking away from looking at both perspectives! If your child is more interested in this topic and would like to learn more at home, the Liberty Kids videos are a great resource on Youtube. We have watched a few in class but there are many more episodes that go deeper into the events in an age-appropriate way.


1/22-1/26: Kindness Week
Monday: Kindness to the Earth
Tuesday: Kindness to Yourself
Wednesday: Kindness to Family
Thursday: Kindness to Teachers
Friday: Kindness for Another State (Coins for Kindness)
- On Friday, we will be collecting donations for a national effort of Hurricane Relief. We are one of many schools raising money to build playgrounds for kids in areas who have lost theirs due to hurricane damage. Your child does not have to wait until Friday if they want to donate. The envelope displayed below will be hanging in my room all week for those who bring in coins for kindness.
Students can also be rewarded when they are seen being kind to others. Each child caught being kind will receive a yellow smiley face sticker:)
- 2/7 2-hr Late Start PD
- 2/9 Stacy Simms, Mindful Music Moments assembly
- 2/24 Daughter/Father (or someone special)Event
- 3/7 2-hr Late Start PD
- 3/8 Evening Parent/Teacher conference
- 3/9 KISS Lunch for Mrs. Stemm Homeroom
- Presidents' Day is no longer a day off for students.
English/Language Arts
Social Studies
During Quarter 3, students will be learning about government. Over the past two weeks, students have researched the 4 different types of governments. We have applied the knowledge gained from our research on Monarchy's as well as Democracy to our study of the American Revolution. Students discovered that the Son's of Liberty, individuals fighting to become free from England, during the time of the American Revolution, wanted to become more of a Democracy instead of a Monarchy.
The timeline we are creating as we study the events leading up to the American Revolution is pictured below.
- Read 20 minutes a night and record reading daily on the reading log. If students are assigned Imagine Learning, please have them complete 20 minutes of Imagine Learning and record that on the reading log instead of reading their own book.
- Students know if they are assigned Imagine Learning or if they are to read an AR book. I will change AR goals for those who are not getting time to read AR books at night.
- If the program freezes, please do not have your child sit and waste time trying to fix it. This has been a problem seen around the building. Instead of waiting for the program to unfreeze, please have your child select a silent reading book and record that instead. Thanks for all of your home support regarding this matter:)
- Practice Fluency each night. Students need to read assigned passage aloud to another individual and reflect on certain aspects of their reading
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