Welcome Back- Start of Quarter 3!
This week, in introducing the idea of Mindful Music Moments to the students, we invite all students to participate in the following dress up opportunities: (more info below on the program)
Tuesday, 1/9: Welcome Back to School Day!
Wear colors that help you feel focused and peaceful.
Wednesday, 1/10: School Spirit Day!
Wear your Pickerington Purple as you meet with your Tiger Team!
Thursday, 1/11: Book Character Dress Up Day!
Who is your favorite character? We will also have mystery readers today.
Friday, 1/12: Wear a shirt or jersey of your favorite musician or athlete.
We will have the kick off of Mindful Music Moments with visiting author Stacy Sims today as well!
Also on Thursday 1/11:Dr. Briggs, our current Superintendent will be in to read aloud to our group of kids:)
Spelling Bee Preliminary Round:
- Students should be studying the green spelling list that came home before the break. They will be taking their introductory spelling bee test Thursday, 1/11.
- This preliminary round will determine what students will compete in the Spelling Bee with all 4th graders occurring Thursday, January 18th at 7pm. Good luck to all the participants:)
Monday, 1/15- No School; Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Tuesday, January 16th: Mindful Music Moments
- This is a program that all students will participate in beginning Tuesday, January 16th. This program consists of classical pieces of music being played for 3-5 minutes each morning after announcements. During this time, students are encouraged to focus on how they want their day to go and decompress, leaving any stress behind. Before the music is played, students will also receive some background knowledge about the music and the composer. I am very excited about this opportunity and feel like it will really help the students start their day off on the right foot:)

Friday, 1/19- No School for students; Teacher Professional Development Day
English/ Language Arts
Writing: Essays from Quarter 2 were returned and students will be working on correcting their errors during E&I periods. I have sent a copy of their essay before corrections home so look for that document in their purple folder. I was very impressed by many of the students work and could tell they really put a lot of effort into their informational essays on extreme environments. There were 16 individuals who made the Star Student board. In order to make the Star Student board, the student must show me they have put forth their best effort. This does not mean their assignments are perfect but through the work shown, I can tell they gave 110%. The individuals who's essays are displayed currently are:
Stemm's Homeroom:
Lexi Comini
Ezekiel Arthur
Karley Skidmore
Gavin Gustovich
Tony Nichols
Eesha Imman
Kiran Ofei-Amoh
Aaron Shumate
Burre's Homeroom:
Destiny Clay
Logan Goad
Ryan Bauer
Tommy Obert
Tramondi Jackson
Aiden Mai
Claudia Robot
Wyatt Wearly
Congratulations and keep up the great work!
Social Studies
Over the next quarter, we will be studying Government. This week, students will start out by learning and researching key details about the 4 types of governments. Through our display created, they will begin to see the main differences between the major forms of government. We will continue this using by focusing mainly on Democracy. This is an example of what the student's research should lead to during class.
wow this is really cool lookinh at this after i think 3 years i completelyf forgot it was me who wrote that essay it was hard for sure i had alot of fun in your class! thank you very much.