

  • Monday, September 18th Safety Assembly
  • Wednesday, September 20th PTO Meeting
  • Thursday, September 21st: PTO Walkathon 6-8pm
  • Friday, September 22nd: All students need to bring a smock for Art class. This can be an old shirt from home. 
Announcements from the PTO: The green sheet below was sent home. Please read through it for important information and links. 

In class this week:
English Language Arts:

We have completed our study of how to have a great heart literally! This week we will be starting a new book titled Love That Dog. This book introduces what it means to have a great heart, figuratively, through poetry! Throughout our study of Love That Dog, we will also be working with other poems such as "The Red Wheelbarrow", "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening", "The Tiger", "The Pasture", and much more. Not only will we see characteristics of having a great heart figuratively, but we will also be learning about what a poem is, how to write poems, and how words can be put together strategically in order to create multiple meanings. I am excited about starting this new book in class and I hope the kids are too!


Because we are dealing with poetry, our focus is going to be on the ordering of adjectives. Our learning goal for this week is as follows: Evaluate writing for vivid use and correct order of adjectives.

Social Studies: Civic Participation

We will be diving into the idea of how we, in a democratic society, can influence and participate in our state and federal government.

Service Learning Student: 

Starting on Wednesday, we will have a student joining our classroom from Pickerington Central to help out during our enrichment time.  The Service Learning Program is getting students at a high school level out in the community to serve kids. Our service learning student is Ashley and here is a little note she wanted to share informing us of her goals as well as her interest in this program:

I took service learning because I wanted to be a positive influence on these children's lives, I want them to enjoy learning, to know how important and loved they are. Each of those kids has a purpose and their own gifts, I want to help lead them to reach their full potential. I have struggled with some things in the past and have a learning disability myself, I want to be an inspiration for these kids. Show them that even though things may be hard or they may learn differently that they can get through it and they are seen the same way as everyone else. I want them to know that they are not alone and that I know what its like to not always understand things right away or to need a small group setting. They are each so unique and I look forward to getting to know them all. I am very involved in my kids & youth ministries at my church. I enjoy meeting new people, playing softball, learning new things and helping others. I am so excited to start serving in your classroom, getting to know you and to be apart of fourth-grade grade this year. 

I am incredibly excited to have her as a part of our class as I realized teaching was my path for a career when also going through this program at PHSC. Ashley will be leading small group instruction each week. I will be taking my own assessments to ensure all students are receiving the necessary content as well as supplementing when necessary. I think she will be a great asset in our classroom this year. 


  • Reading 20 minutes a night of a book within their reading level. Each student was given a range for their reading level. While at school and for their homework, they must be reading a book within the range given. I have written their range on the first page of their student planners along with a website they can use to check the reading level of books at home. If they want to read a book outside of their reading level, that is great but I would like all school-related assignments done with a book within their reading level. This is to ensure maximum comprehension and they are reading a book where they can properly practice fluency and vocabulary. 
  • Fluency Homework- Students will be given fluency homework this week. Each night they should complete the areas of the boxes on the grid that are white. The shaded boxes become less and less as the week goes on because the focus of their fluency practice changes. 
  • Finishing up any google assignments they do not complete in class. For example, Monday we will be writing a poem. If they do not finish their poem, they will be required to get onto google classroom to finish this assignment. 


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