
10/19 Thur. Regular class & evening conferences
10/24 Tue. Regular classes & evening conferences
10/27 Fri. Pickerington Elementary STEM day - See below
10/30 Mon Pickerington Haunted Village in Olde Pickerington
10/31 Tue. Pickerington Trick-or-Treat 6 pm-8 pm
11/1 Wed deadline to sign up for Kids Care Club
11/ 1  Wed. 2 hr late start
11/ 7  Tue. Election DayNo school Teacher Prof. Dev. 
11/14 Tue 8:30 am Kids Care Club for those who registered
11/22-24 No school Thanksgiving break

Burre/Stemm Bank PAYDAY!!! 

Students will have their first PAYDAY this week. Since Thursday 10/12  was the end of the quarter,  Mrs. Burre I printed out the Dojo points for the first quarter. With the Achievement Record, parents will get a summary printout telling the total positive, and total improvement points awarded. You will also see the Percent of positive points.  We like to keep it around 94% or higher. You can see which areas earned the most points. Remember that you can see on your Dojo, the daily points, and comments for the current and prior week. The teachers have access to the "all-time" reports even when the point bubbles are at 0 after their direct deposits are made. 

 They have been converted into BurreStemm Bucks and direct deposited into their accounts at a rate of $0.25 per point. This also means that DOJO point bubbles will reset to 0 points for the next 9 weeks.  (Class Savings is money the classes earn each day by keeping homeroom letters on the board.) Students will receive a bank statement and have access to blank checks.  Before students start writing checks, Mrs. Burre will have a mini-lesson on completing a check and balancing checking accounts. At some point, we will offer a chance to eat lunch in the room and to purchase other rewards such as a free homework slip, sit in teacher's chair, buy pencils, pens and other things in order to spend the "money" they have received thus far.  Before winter break they will be able to spend money at the Burre/Stemm Boutique.


This week we are starting our new unit on extreme settings! This first week, we will be diving into the idea that using sensory details in writing helps the reader to really be in the moment with the characters they are reading about. They will be reading a short story titled "All Summer in a Day", which is a story about jealousy and compassion. The genre is Science Fiction, which is new for the kids but I think they will like the different text. Throughout the week, we will be reading this story multiple times and dissecting the different parts understand how the setting, using sensory details, affect the characters in the story. We will also be watching the video of the story to have a concrete understanding of the plot line. Below is the link to the video:) 

E&I Change: 

Because student choice is a great way to engage each child in learning, I have modified our E&I time to best fit the needs of all students. During the hour and fifteen minutes, they are with me during E&I, students will be completing a choice board which contains different enrichment and intervention assignments I see fit for that group of students. Each week these activities may change to better fit their current abilities, pushing them beyond the standard norm in content they are exceeding with as well as providing support in areas they show they are struggling with. Students are able to pick whichever activity they would like to complete first but the requirement is they complete all Must Do categories by Friday. 

IMPORTANT: Because there are multiple activities that ask them to read such as the Ohio Studies Weekly Newspaper or Imagine Learning, I am allowing them to choose to work on these boxes at home and count this as their reading log. The content in both of these materials are grade-level appropriate so I do not mind if they are using this as their 20 minutes of reading for one or two nights out of the week. 

Social Studies: 

 The next two weeks, we will be working on creating a poster of the major Indian groups including the Paleoindians, Archaic Indians, Adena Indians, Hopewell Indians, and Late Prehistoric Indians. Students are working with partners to collect research, using our online textbook, books I have borrowed from the Pickerington Public Library, and their Chromebooks, to identify what time period their group of Indians lived, what they ate, what their dwellings looked like, and what tools they used. This research will turn into an informational poster to be shared with the rest of the class.


Read 20 minutes each night
Work on E&I choice board to ensure you are done with the tasks by Friday.


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