I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! I want to take a moment to notify you of some important events coming as well as some announcements you need to know for our near future.
Events: Tiger Teams are posted in the classroom!
- Wednesday, September 13th Tiger Teams: This year our students were able to pick new Tiger Teams to attend. Our first meeting will be this Wednesday in the afternoon. Tiger Teams were shared with the students Monday!
- Friday, September 15th Character Day: We will have a spirit day where students can dress up as their favorite SUPER HERO or ROLE MODEL. Flyers will be coming home soon.
- Saturday, September 16th CommUnity Day: There will be many performances by our students, community stakeholders, a fashion show, arts & crafts and student work that will be displayed. There will also be two great food truck options if you get a little hungry! (Barruloco and Taco Time).
- Wednesday, September 20th PTO Meeting
- Thursday, September 21st: PTO Walkathon 6-8pm
Announcements from the PTO: The green sheet below was sent home Friday of last week. Please read through it for important information and links.
Wednesday, September 13th, I will have a substitute as I am attending a professional development workshop. We have discussed as a class the proper behavior for a substitute as well as my expectations for that day. All students are aware of my absence. Due to my absence, you will not see any dojo points rewarded or deducted during the day Wednesday. I will make these up upon my return Thursday.
Grammar lessons I will also be introducing capitalization and using commas with conjunctions.
In Social Studies, students will be working with relative and absolute location. They will learn what these terms mean as well as multiple other vocabulary words that apply to relative and absolute location through a reading assignment and a google classroom activity.
Reading 20 minutes a night. Students are responsible for getting this signed each night.
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