Last Week of February!

Announcements: Tiger Teams were rescheduled due to our snow day last week. They will take place this Wednesday, 2/27. Friday, 3/1: Dr. Seuss Day- Dress up as your favorite book character or Dr. Seuss Character! 3/4: Spring Picture Day- Forms come home on 2/25 3/4-3/7- Students will be writing their End of Module Essays in class 3/6 2 Hr Late Start-Professional Development 3/7 Evening Parent Teacher Conferences- Please use the link below to sign up for Spring Conferences. The slots fill up quickly so if you received a white piece of paper or would like a conference, please be sure to sign up as soon as you can before all slots are taken. Students will be developing a conference reflection over the course of the next 2 weeks so we would like them to attend and present the information to you! Sign Up Genius Link - Spring Conferences 3/8 END OF 3 rd Qtr. 3/13 Visit the book fair with the class 3/14 Evening Parent Teacher Conferences- Li...