Last Week of February!
- Tiger Teams were rescheduled due to our snow day last week. They will take place this Wednesday, 2/27.
- Friday, 3/1: Dr. Seuss Day- Dress up as your favorite book character or Dr. Seuss Character!
- 3/4: Spring Picture Day- Forms come home on 2/25
- 3/4-3/7- Students will be writing their End of Module Essays in class
- 3/6 2 Hr Late Start-Professional Development
- 3/7 Evening Parent Teacher Conferences- Please use the link below to sign up for Spring Conferences. The slots fill up quickly so if you received a white piece of paper or would like a conference, please be sure to sign up as soon as you can before all slots are taken. Students will be developing a conference reflection over the course of the next 2 weeks so we would like them to attend and present the information to you!
- 3/8 END OF 3rd Qtr.
- 3/13 Visit the book fair with the class
- 3/14 Evening Parent Teacher Conferences- Link to sign up for a slot is listed above.
- 3/8 Mrs. Stemm homeroom KISS Luncheon- Starts at 12:10
- 3/8 PTO Movie Night
- 3/15 Mrs. Burre's homeroom KISS Luncheon- Starts at 12:10
- 3/18-3/22: Spring Break- No School
- 3/27:
- Tiger Teams @ 9:30
- PTO Meeting @ 7pm
- Family Math Night rescheduled for April 2nd @ 6pm.

Before diving into the writing piece, students will be completing an evidence guide for both sides so they have appropriate evidence to support their claim. They will also be using a graphic organizer to help guide the structure of their paragraphs. I am looking forward to seeing each student's opinion on the topic since we have been talking about both perspectives the entire quarter.
Social Studies:
Since we have covered all important events of the American Revolution including the colonists declaring independence as well as the Continental Congress meetings to develop the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution, we will be learning about the three branches of government that the Sons of Liberty developed. This week, students will be creating a picture of the three branches of government using a tree and listing the duties of each branch. Through this activity, all students will be able to see the basics principles the Sons of Liberty felt were important as they proceeded to develop our government's structure.
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