Welcome Back! Quarter 3 has begun:)
Important Dates:
1/9- Tiger Teams meet
1/15- 4th-grade Spelling Bee @ 6pm in the Pickerington Elementary Cafeteria
1/16- PTO Meeting in Pickerington Elementary Media Center
1/17- PROUD Assembly
Also, visit Hangry City Grille for dinner to help out our PTO!
1/18-No School: Professional Development Day for Teachers
1/21- No School: Martin Luther King Day
1/28-2/1: Animal Shelter Drive
1/31- Family Reading Night w/guest author Andra Gillum
Tuesday- Wear your favorite animal hat or headband and bring an item for the Fairfield Area Humane Society.
Wednesday- Dress as your favorite character from an animal book
Thursday- Wear Pickerington Purple! Author, Andra Gillum, will be visiting!
Friday- Bring your favorite book and a stuffed animal to read with today
1/9- Tiger Teams meet
1/15- 4th-grade Spelling Bee @ 6pm in the Pickerington Elementary Cafeteria
1/16- PTO Meeting in Pickerington Elementary Media Center
1/17- PROUD Assembly
Also, visit Hangry City Grille for dinner to help out our PTO!
1/18-No School: Professional Development Day for Teachers
1/21- No School: Martin Luther King Day
1/28-2/1: Animal Shelter Drive
1/31- Family Reading Night w/guest author Andra Gillum
Right to Read Week- 1/28-2/1
Monday- Wear orange for at-risk animal awarenessTuesday- Wear your favorite animal hat or headband and bring an item for the Fairfield Area Humane Society.
Wednesday- Dress as your favorite character from an animal book
Thursday- Wear Pickerington Purple! Author, Andra Gillum, will be visiting!
Friday- Bring your favorite book and a stuffed animal to read with today
English/ Language Arts
Social Studies
Over the next quarter, we will be studying Government. The next two weeks, students will start out by learning and researching key details about the 4 types of governments. Through our display created, they will begin to see the main differences between the major forms of government. We will continue this using by focusing mainly on Democracy, connecting it to the American Revolution. This is an example of what the student's research should lead to during class.
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