Unit 4: Story Telling


4/6-4/18: Order Fourth Grade Graduation to middle School T-Shirts on

4/18: Tiger Teams at school
4/25 & 4/26: Math Ohio State Testing
5/2- 2 Hr Delay
5/14- Diley Middle School's Counselor will be visiting us at Pickerington Elementary
5/25: Last day of School- 2 Hr Early Dismissal


We will be starting our last unit of Wit and Wisdom today. This unit is focused on the art of story telling. We will be utilizing Ancient Greek Mythology stories to discover why stories are told and carried on from one generation to another. Once we have covered the basics of why myths are created, all students will be creating a narrative writing piece developing their own myth. Look for the informational sheets that will be coming home today in your child's purple folder. Below are the books we will be working with this week.

Social Studies: 

Last week we started the basic understanding of what a business is and we went over the meanings of key vocabulary that have to do with economics. Some key words we focused on last week were entrepreneur, goods, services, products/producers, consumers, and opportunity cost. This week we will be expanding on the idea of starting our own business and what risks are at stake when making that decision as an entrepreneur. All information learned throughout our economics lessons will lead to our end project of proposing the start of a business of your child's choice. More details on that to follow.


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