4 Day Week
In celebration of our 4 day week, we have some really exciting events coming up!
Tuesday, December 19th- Polar Express Day & Burre/Stemm Boutique
- As a class, we will be connecting our common core standards to the movie Polar Express through a station activity. Different stations will be participating in
Wednesday, December 20th-
- Ugly Sweater Day! Wear your ugliest holiday sweater.
- Burre/Stemm Boutique
- 12/20 PHSC Tiger Football Celebration 7 pm
Thursday, December 21-
- Winter Break Reading Celebration (More info below)
- Wear PJ's to school :)
- PHSC Chorale Concert
- End of Quarter 2
- Wear PJ's to school :)
Friday, December 22 - Monday, January 8th:
- Winter Break; NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, January 9th- Friday, January 12th-
- Mindful Reading Week (More info below)
Winter Break Reading Celebration
Thursday, December 21
Cozy Up with a Book Day!
Celebrate the last day before winter break by wearing pajamas for a Read-a-Thon.
You may bring slippers, blankets, stuffed animals, and your favorite book!
Cozy Up with a Book Day!
Celebrate the last day before winter break by wearing pajamas for a Read-a-Thon.
You may bring slippers, blankets, stuffed animals, and your favorite book!
ELA - End of Module Assessment
STAR tests have been taken and results will be coming home with your child this week. I have highlighted the score from the Fall Assessment on the front of the report and the Winter score is located on the back. If both colors are in blue that means they increased their score from the Fall score to the Winter score. If their Winter score on the back is in yellow, that means their scores have dropped from the fall score. If scores have dropped, please know that I have been looking into the factors that have caused this to happen and I am developing a plan to remedy the situation. Keep an eye out for their results paper in their purple Homework Folder! If you have any questions about the results, please contact me at any time through dojo or email.
Monday, students will wrap up their End Of Module Assessment. There are many who are finished but others need a little extra time to finalize their paper. Each student has worked very hard to get their paper completed as well as practice their typing skills by inputting it into Google Classroom. Comments to their paper will be made through their assignment under our Google Classroom so you and your child should be able to view all comments made through that document. All papers should be back and graded by Friday, December 15th.
Social Studies- American Revolution
In order to get ready for Module 3, we are starting to learn about the American Revolution. Last week, students started to understand the Boston Tea Party, which was a major component of the American Revolutionary War starting. This week we will continue breaking down the events leading to the war.
January Fun!
“Mindful Reading Week” January 9-12, 2018
Welcome Back to School Day!
Wear colors that help you feel focused and peaceful.
School Spirit Day!
Wear your Pickerington Purple as you meet with your Tiger Team!
Book Character Dress Up Day!
Who is your favorite character? We will also have mystery readers today.
Favorite Performer Day!
Wear a shirt or jersey of your favorite musician or athlete.
Kick off Mindful Music Moments with visiting author Stacy Sims.
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