End of Quarter 1: October 9-13
Final Assessment Week
This week students will be working on their final writing piece for their first unit. Through two paragraphs, students will show me what they have learned about what it means to have a great heart figuratively as well as literally, providing evidence to support their claims. Due to this being an assessment, I do not want the students working on this material at home. Their assessment will be typed on google classroom but I am going to give them enough time in class to complete this assignment. I am confident all students will do wonderfully with this assessment as they have been working hard this quarter on finding evidence to support their answer.
Social Studies:
Last week we studied artifacts that were found in Ohio. This week we will continue the study of artifacts but we will be connecting artifacts to the first people of Ohio during the Paleolithic Era.
Important Dates:
10/9 - Picture retake day
10/11 - Tiger Teams
10/10 - End of the 1st grading period
10/13 - No School
10/16 - No School: All day parent/teacher conferences
10/19 - Evening Parent/Teacher conferences
10/20 - Progress Reports come home
10/24 - Evening Parent/Teacher conferences
- Thank you to all the parents who have signed up for conferences! I look forward to our meeting:) If you still need to sign up for conferences, there are a few spots still open. Visit http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0b4badac2ea0f94-fall to reserve your spot for conferences.
Tiger Talk:
Last Wednesday, all students participated in their first Tiger Talk session. This is something the 4th graders participate in once a month where all classes combine to work on a news website. All 4th grade students were able to pick their own partners and were responsible for reporting on one topic. They had to utilize their skills and have time management in order to complete their report by the end of the day. The different topics students report on include science corner, Pickerington Math, School Events, Famous Ohioans, Special Features, book talk, and getting gritty. The student work will be uploaded to a website and we will share shortly! They did an amazing job this first round and I am excited to see the final product come together. Stay tuned for the website link so you can see what the students have created!
Volunteers needed for STEM Day 2017
Friday, October 27th
STEM Day is a PTO sponsored activity that allows students to learn about various tech tools and the new perspectives the technology provides. Throughout the day, there will be many different presenters that are teaching students about the technology they use. Also, students will also be participating in grade-level specific STEM challenges. They will learn about the engineering design process and address the curriculum standards. (Lunch will follow the normal routine.)
The PTO is looking for volunteers to assist the guest presenters. There will be a morning shift from approximately 8:45am-12:15 pm and/or an afternoon shift from approximately 12:00-3:30pm. If you are available to help with STEM Day, please fill out the form that was sent home/pictured and return to your child's teacher. Please note that all volunteers must first submit a completed volunteer application to the office. There is no childcare at STEM Day. (Volunteers are unable to bring younger children to the event for the elementary students.) If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Dufort at gdufort@insight.rr.com. Volunteers will be contacted by email for confirmation.
PLEASE send in empty toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls, wrapping paper rolls for STEM day project

We are conducting a Talent & Time Search. Do you or someone you know have a special talent/job that would be of interest to our students? If yes, please follow the link to complete a short nomination form.
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