
 October 2- October 6

I hope everyone has enjoyed the fall weather this past weekend! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post this week. We have some great content being covered this week as well as very important events coming up in our near future. If you have any questions or need any more clarification, please feel free to contact me either via email or Class Dojo. 

Important Upcoming Events: 

10/2 - Wear Blue to support No Bullying 
10/4 - 2-hour delay
          - Spirit wear online sale ends
10/6 - Box Top Collection Competition ends
10/9 -  Picture retake day
10/10 - End of the 1st grading period
10/13 - No School
10/16 - No School: All day parent/teacher conferences
10/19 - Evening Parent/Teacher conferences
10/24 - Evening Parent/Teacher conferences

Parent/Teacher Conference Sign Up
As you can see, in the list of important upcoming events above, Parent Teacher Conferences are right around the corner. Students will be receiving sign-up papers this week, school-wide, in order to reserve a spot for a conference. Please sign up for a time that works for your schedule using http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0b4badac2ea0f94-fall

When you schedule directly using Sign up genius, DO NOT return the school-wide conference sign-up sheet for your 4th grader.  If you have multiple conferences to schedule, sign up for your 4th grader's conference on Sign up Genius and write a note with the time you will be at the school so your other conferences can be scheduled around it. 2nd grade, 1st grade, and K teachers have greater flexibility since they have more time slots than students.)

PTO Spirit Wear Online Sale ENDS WEDNESDAY!! 

On Wednesday, October 4th, the PTO Spirit Store will be closing and orders will be delivered approximately two weeks after. Please visit https://stores.inksoft.com/Pickeringtontigers/shop/products/all?page=1 before the store closes to grab some Tiger Nation apparel. 

ELA: Love That Dog

This week we are finishing our study of Love That Dog by Sharon Creech. Our focusing question this week is How do the characters in Love That Dog show characteristics of great heart? We are continuing to read about our main character Jack and getting an understanding of how his attitude changes towards poetry as well as how he changes as a poet. We are will finally make connections between the first poem he wrote about a blue car and his poem about Sky, the yellow dog he used to have. As we read this week, the connections made may be sad for some. Please reiterate to your child that the classroom is a safe space and if your child feels the need to express a connection they are having with the text, it is okay to share their emotions. Learning to process these emotions and connections is very important and no judgment will be passed.

Social Studies: Ohio's First People

We will be using our online textbook and activities to explore Ohio's first people. To access the online textbook at home please use www.ohioasamerica.org and your child's sign in information is the same as their STAR log in except for this website, their username must be in all caps to login.


Reading- Read 20 minutes a night of a book in their reading level unless told otherwise.

Social Studies: Work on Crossword puzzle started last week. This supplemental activity will help students continue their work and use of map skills, which will be essential skills for lessons in our future.  In order to answer the clues of the crossword, they will need to access the maps on google classroom. All students have done this in small groups with me so they should know exactly what form they need as well as how to navigate to it. If your child needs a hard copy of the maps, please write a note to me either in their planner or through Dojo and I can provide a copy. 


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