Week 2
What we are learning during week 2:
You should have received a parent letter explaining Wit and Wisdom. This is a program that pushes students in their fluency, vocabulary, and writing skills all within a daily 90-minute session. This week we will be diving into Lessons 1-5 which will introduce the idea of literal language versus figurative language.
In reading, students will set their AR goals. Be sure to ask them what personal goal they set and the steps they developed in order to be successful. It was great seeing where they want to go over the next 9 weeks.
In writing, we will be learning the steps to write a "painted" paragraph. This strategy will teach each student to use topic sentences, supporting evidence, and concluding sentences within their writing.
Social Studies
This week we will be actively refreshing our map skills. Through activities that include using world maps and maps of North America, students will revisit ideas like using cardinal and intermediate directions, labeling the seven continents, and working with the idea of global awareness.

Tuesday- Burre's homeroom will need to complete a Social Studies activity. This worksheet will be placed in their purple take home folder.
Wednesday- Stemm's homeroom will need to complete a Social Studies activity. This worksheet will be placed in their purple take home folder.
Important dates: 8/24 Skyline Family Fun Night 5-9p
8/30 Wednesday Picture Day Information went home
9/1 Friday No School Professional development day
9/4 Monday, No school Labor day
9/5 Tuesday, Family Fun Night Chipotle on Taylor Square 5-9 pm
9/5 Wednesday - 2 hr Late Start - Teacher PD
9/20 Wed, 7 pm PTO Meeting
9/21 Thursday 6-8 pm PTO Walk-athon
Questions that have been asked:
Can the students bring drinks?
No drinks, unless it is water in a spill proof "sip" type lid. It can only be WATER, nothing with sugar or that would leave a residue if spilled. We do have a water fountain in the classroom so water bottles aren't really needed.
Are there any allergies in the room?
Yes we do have students with nut allergies and some other items. If and when we do have food in the classroom, I will require the food label. I am not sure the extent of the allergies whether reactions occur only if ingested or if contact will cause a reaction. Thank you for your sensitivity to prevent accidental exposure. I would appreciate if you would share with me the details and the severity of your child's allergic reactions so I know what is typical and I can appropriately help your child managing it.
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