2 Week Update: Testing Info & Classroom Focus for 4/8-4/18

Important State Testing Information

  • ELA Test is Wednesday(Part 1) and Thursday (Part 2) of next week. (4/17-4/18)
  • Each child will get 90 minutes to complete part 1 and 2, unless your child has the accommodation for extended time. 
  • If your child has the accommodation for extended time, they will get the course of the school day to complete each part if they need it. 
  • No electronics will be permitted inside the classroom during testing time. I will be collecting any electronics students have on that day and store in a safe location, outside of the classroom, during the testing session. After the test, all items will be returned to students to put back in their book bag. 
  • Please make sure all students get a good night's rest the evenings before testing and eat a protein filled breakfast the morning of the tests. 
When you are talking with your child and notice they may be getting nervous or stressed about the test, please use have them focus on positive self-talk. I have seen many students start to get anxious about taking the test and I reaffirm that we have learned all that we need to know, they have the strategies to use, and most commonly I express that they are not allowed to be stressed if I'm not stressed. AND... I'M NOT STRESSED:) They are all prepared for this test and I know they will do wonderfully:)  I explain that this test is to identify weaknesses and strengths that each of them have individually so their teachers and parents can help them grow in their education. Just remind them of this and that all we ask is they do their very best. 

STAR Reading Test- 

Last Thursday, 4/4, we took our final STAR reading test of the year! I will be printing off each student's results from the course of the year to send home. This will allow you to see the progress they have made this year. Please be on the look out for this document in your child's purple folder this week. 

Important Upcoming Dates

STAR Math Test
  • Burre Homeroom Wednesday, 4/10
  • Stemm Homeroom Thursday, 4/11
Ohio State Test ELA
  • Part 1 Wednesday, 4/17
  • Part 2 Thursday, 4/18
No School Friday, 4/19- Good Friday
No School Monday, 4/22- Teacher In-Service Day
Wednesday, April 1- 2 Hour Delay

Ohio State Test Math
  • Thursday, May 2- Part 1
  • Friday, May 3- Part 2
Thursday, May 9th- 4th grade meeting with Diley Middle School Guidance Counselor
Wednesday, May 15th- 4th grade field trip
  • Volunteers are needed! Information came home Monday, 4/8.
Thursday, May 16th- Our last PROUD Assembly for the year! 
Friday, May 17th- SUPER GAMES!
Friday, May 24th- Last day of school, Early dismissal schedule


Over the next few weeks, students will be working with all three of the text's pictured below. We have covered our focusing question which is, What are myths and why do people create them? All students have answered this question by constructing a paragraph including evidence from the organizer we completed in class. We are moving on to answer our next focusing question which is, What do myths from different cultures have in common? We will be working with Native American myths to discover themes they had in common with the Greek myths we have already studied. 

Greek Myths we learned about in class: 
Pandora's Box
Echo and Narcissus
Demeter and Persephone
Achilles' Heel

Native American Myths we have learned about in class: 
Gluskabe and Old Man Winter
The Cannibal Monster  

Social Studies

Because we have covered the American Revolution and the War of 1812, we are starting to discuss why individuals chose to move to the United States. We will be learning about all the new innovations that came along with the individuals who wanted to start a new life in America including many famous Ohioans! All students will be learning about the 6 specific individuals listed below as well as picking one to nominate for our mock Ohio Innovators Award. 

People we will be discussing:
Thomas Edison
Garrett Morgan
James Ritty
Orville and Wilbur Wright
Charles Kettering
Thomas Midgley, Jr. 


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