Writing Week & Author's Circle
Outdoor Recess Reminders Remember with Ohio Weather being variable to remind your child to be prepared to be outside for recess. If the weather is deemed appropriate for outside recess, students will be outside even if it is chilly or cold out. Remember if your family needs support over the holidays or could use winter hats, gloves, or you have other needs to contact Ms. Stewart, our school counselor. She has contacts and can help. Homework/Important Dates Wednesday, December 5th: 2-hour delay Friday, December 14th: PTO Movie night More information about this event coming soon! Wednesday, December 19th: 4th Grade Spelling Bee written test Words will be given to students after Thanksgiving break. Thursday, December 20th: "Fetch a Good Book" Read in Students will be permitted to wear pajamas to school for our read in! Friday, December 21: NO SCHOOL- Teacher Record Day ELA/Reading This week, we will be finishing o...