Red Ribbon Week!

- Tuesday- Wear Red
- Wednesday- Wacky Wednesday
- Thursday- Dress to Impress; Bring in a canned food item
- Friday- Wear your favorite football team attire
11/9- Veteran's Day Assembly
11/13- Book Fair
Pickerington PROUD
- Congratulations to Naomi Tate as she was awarded the PROUD Award for the month of September. Way to go Naomi!
I am looking forward to seeing many of you for conferences this week. If you forgot what time you have a scheduled conference, visit our sign-up genius website.
Scheduled Conferences: Monday (11am-7pm) and Thursday (4:45pm-8:15pm)
English Language Arts
Last Week:
The focus of the week: How does setting affect the characters or speakers in a text?
Trought the text and video of "All Summer in a Day," we learned about how the time and place of a story often leads our characters to act a certain way. We made a deeper connection to the text and learned how the characters actions in a story, teach the readers a lesson about life. We ended the week by writing down a theme of the story (a lesson taught in the text about life) and we shared our ideas through a "snowball fight." Check out a video of our snowball fight on Class Dojo!
Trought the text and video of "All Summer in a Day," we learned about how the time and place of a story often leads our characters to act a certain way. We made a deeper connection to the text and learned how the characters actions in a story, teach the readers a lesson about life. We ended the week by writing down a theme of the story (a lesson taught in the text about life) and we shared our ideas through a "snowball fight." Check out a video of our snowball fight on Class Dojo!
The video we watched is linked in 3 parts below.
"All Summer in a Day" part 1
This Week:
- The focus of the week: Theme and Sensory Details
- We will be finishing up the movie of "All Summer in a Day."
- Once we have finished with "All Summer in a Day," we will move on to identify the elements of theme and sensory details using the poems "Dust of Snow" and "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening." We have read these poems before but we have not discussed these elements yet.
Social Studies
Last week we learned about the Paleoindian people as well as the Archaic Indian people. These were the first two groups of people that lived in Ohio. We discovered what types of homes, tools, and food they had as well as how these groups were similar and different. This week, each child will be placed in a group to develop a poster displaying all of the information they have learned about Ohio's first people.
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