Moving on to Love That Dog
Announcements: October 3: 2-hour delay October 12: End of Quarter 1 October 12: NO CLASSES Homework: There are some changes so please read! Reading 20 minutes each night Monday-Thursday Friday: NO READING My students and I have an agreement that if I am not doing anything over the weekend, they will not have any homework. They know if I expect them to read 20 minutes, I am doing the same at home. Due to a family wedding, I am following through with our agreement and have given them the weekend off of reading. I will not be doing any work this weekend so I am not requiring it of them either. You are more than welcome to have them read on your own but I am not requiring their reading log to be signed. Social Studies: Next week we will be having a quiz on map skills, directions, and human versus natural features. Students have completed and corrected a study guide during E&I so please have them study it. They will be bringing it home to study...