Quarter 3 Coming To An End.
Announcements: Wednesday, March 7th: 2 Hour Delay Thursday, March 8th: Conferences 4:15-8:15 For this set of conferences, we wanted the students to show their progress and discuss with you areas they feel they are proud of and which areas of learning in which they want to get better. We will be working during our E&I period to develop a slideshow to share with you when finished. Mrs. Burre and I feel this is a great way to give students the power to take control of their own education and really reflect on their progress this year. If you still want a conference and have not signed up, please use the following link to find a time slot that works for your schedule. http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0b4badac2ea0f94-spring Friday, March 9th: KISS Luncheon- Please RSVP with the form pictured to let the cafeteria know how many are planning to attend. Book Fair opens- After our KISS Luncheon, feel free to check out or purchase our Book...